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Web Development Services

In today's world, effectively presenting your business on the internet is vital to keeping pace with your competition and market objectives. If you are starting from scratch creating a web presence, you'll want to introduce your website as quickly and painlessly as possible.  Thereafter, with your website in place, you can begin the long arduous process of fine-tuning to make your website a masterpiece.

In (website) programming parlance, this approach is called Extreme Programming (see:http://www.extremeprogramming.org/).  Simply stated, Extreme Programming says that you often do not know what you want until you can see it.  Your first website design will coax a plethora of ideas about what you should have done.  It is therefore important that you not waste a lot of time or expense on your first website pages.  Functionally, your first website need only introduce your product; it should especially avoid all of the "bells and whistles" that may later accompany your design.  This approach has the added advantage that you are collecting sales from your internet presence at the earliest possible opportunity.

As a minimum, your first website design will accomplish the following:

  • Introduce your product or services

  • Gather contact information from your potential customers

  • Submit to and be listed with the major search engines

  • Be hosted from a reliable web server

After your website is up, running and selling your product, Aviplex can help you introduce the "pizzazz" to your design.  We are experienced in all manner of techniques for enhancing your website.

Ensuring success on the internet means looking to a development partner who has the business knowledge, technology expertise and demonstrated ability to successfully implement your website.  Let Aviplex help you create your internet presence.

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