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CMI-SEI/ISO Process Assessment Preparation Services
It is software that provides a system's "brains, heart, and soul," and the ability to interact with people and other systems. Whether on the battlefield or in the global marketplace, delivering the right software to end users is fundamental to success. The challenge is to do it faster than anyone else, but with predictable performance, quality, cost, and schedule. New technical challenges make the development of software more difficult and require the development and adoption of new software engineering practices. The SEI exists to help others improve their software engineering capabilities by advancing the state of the practice of software engineering.
Stephen E. Cross
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Software Engineering Institute

Preparing your organization to submit for either an SEI or ISO9000 assessment can seem like a tremendous physical effort. The pressure to submit for SEI or ISO9000 certification is usually cast upon the program from corporate management (usually levied by the customer), and the reward for completing the effort is not always apparent. Only after surviving the certification effort do the advantages of specifying and planning your engineering processes become apparent.

Our experience has been that the initial effort to submit for process certifications can be reduced by recognizing that your organization has been using engineering processes, and that the process certification merely requires that your established processes need to be documented. Apart from that there are certain other formalities that must be completed, involving process centralization, documentation and training.

Perhaps the most valuable assistance that we can provide to you as you prepare for process certification is to (1.) free you from having to commit your productive personnel to the initial effort of installing formal process management to your program, and (2.) reduce the overall size of the initial certification effort. Process certification requires the commitment of your senior engineering staff; after all they are the ones that understand engineering processes best. Your senior engineering staff may have difficulty documenting, but at the same time not improving, your engineering processes. Aviplex Engineering Solutions offers you a two-fold savings in your initial process certification activities. Firstly, in the savings of your senior staff's time, and secondly, in the overall reduction in the size of the certification task.

In summary, if you are applying for initial process certification under either the SEI or ISO9000, we will provide you with:

  • Initial assessment of your certification preparedness
  • Collection, centralization and documentation of your current practices
  • Installation of important missing practices
  • Training for your personnel in preparation for individual interviews required during the certification testing
  • Preparation of the paperwork for certification
Additionally, we can help your organization strive to obtain a higher certification level. Please send us your requirements so we can prepare a proposal.
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